Visiting a cemetery on a quiet, peaceful afternoon can greatly aid in reflecting on the realities of life, dying, and death.

The first set of twelve photos were taken at the Cleveland Cemetery, in Cleveland, Queensland, Australia.

Visiting a grave has many benefits which can include:

(1) Helping with the grieving process

(2) Reminding one of the realities of life and death

(3) Providing a time for solitude, contemplation, or prayer

(4) Providing an opportunity to talk to one’s loved one

(5) Contemplating the afterlife

(6) Giving one’s life clarity and focus

The second set of twelve images were taken at Great Southern Memorial Park in Carbrook, Queensland, Australia (

By tapping on each image, a larger view of the image will appear. To return to the small, thumbnail size of a photo, tap on the ”x” in the top right hand corner.

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