Content Overview

This section has the following pages:

Seeing the Continuity of Life

Reconciling with Life

Learning Acceptance

Supporting Ourselves and Others

Listen, Contemplate, Meditate

Beings come and beings go, but the flame of life, the generating impulse animating all existences and underlying the whole of creation, neither comes nor goes; it burns eternally, with no beginning, with no end. Aglow with this enlightened awareness, one can die not like someone being dragged kicking and screaming to the scaffold, but like one about to embark on an enticing adventure. Such an exemplary death, let me emphasize, is causally related to a life artfully lived, a life dedicated to the fulfillment of one’s physical, mental, moral, and spiritual potential.

(Philip Kapleau, The Zen of Living and Dying: A Practical and Spiritual Guide)

Spread the Love . . .